Entrepreneurship education programs: educational components and impact on the entrepreneurial process

  • Safaa ZAKARIYA Hassan first University of Settat, Morocco
  • Fouad ELBIYAALI Hassan first University of Settat, Morocco
  • Hamid LATIF Hassan first University of Settat, Morocco
Keywords: Impact study, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial process


Entrepreneurship education is a serious topic for university administrators, course developers, and researchers alike (Kuratko, 2005)

One reason for the growing interest in entrepreneurship education is its impact on economic growth.

Studies of the impact of entrepreneurship education programs on different entrepreneurial outcomes, such as improved intention, level of commitment or in terms of the number of structures created, are gaining more attention from academics (Martin et al., 2013; Nabi et al., 2017; Samwel Mwasalwiba, 2010) in an attempt to provide as clear an idea as possible on the effectiveness of the said programs on improving the desired entrepreneurial outcome,

This paper is a review of the literature on the impact of entrepreneurship education programs on the entrepreneurial process, this process starts with the interest in entrepreneurship, through the intention and the act to the sustainability of the enterprise in the student, This review has brought to light a lack of consensus on the impact of entrepreneurship education programs on the different stages of the above-mentioned entrepreneurial process. We have found that this lack of consensus is probably due to methodological failures, to the diversification of pedagogical devices and also to the personal characteristics of entrepreneurial students, notably the feeling of entrepreneurial self-efficacy.

In order to write the article, we proceeded by scanning and analyzing articles, literature reviews, systematic literature reviews, published in indexed journals, and which inculcate the following keywords: entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial process, impact studies).



JEL Classification: I25

Paper type: Theoretical Research 


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How to Cite
ZAKARIYA, S., ELBIYAALI, F., & LATIF, H. (2022). Entrepreneurship education programs: educational components and impact on the entrepreneurial process. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 3(4-2), 323-334. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6983425