Rereading the basics: the pyramid of emotional intelligence

  • Abdelhay BENABDELHADI National School of Business and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
  • Maryam EL YACHIOUI National School of Business and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
  • Oumaima CHADI National School of Business and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Intelligence, Emotions, Emotional intelligence, cognitive psychology, The Pyramid of Emotional Intelligence


Over the last few years, the study of emotional intelligence has grown substantially within academies and draws everyone’s attention. The psychological dynamics is in the heart of all humans and is an integral part of the world of management.

In this study, we want to raise the question following: what is the contribution of emotional intelligence in the development and growth of actual potential in meeting diverse needs in life?

Intellectual ability is important for success in everyday life in many sectors. Intelligence is an important aspect of the mind that includes many cognitive abilities such as planning, problem solving, understanding ideas, adaptation, abstract thinking, and others. However, other factors that contribute to the above successes include social capacity, emotional coping, emotional sensitivity, empathy. Emotional intelligence also focuses on the character and aspects of self-control, such as the ability to achieve pleasures, tolerance of frustrations and impulse regulation. it also affects many areas of the psychological sciences. For example, the neuroscience of emotions, the theory of self-regulation and metacognition, and the search for human cognitive skills beyond what is traditionally known as academic intelligence.

 Our contribution aims at valuing scientific concept in the growth of human potential and to introduce most discussed intelligence, emotions, and emotional intelligence theories. Hence, to develop layers and individual should get through to reach the intelligence summit inspired by the Maslow pyramid.



Classification JEL: J24, L25

Paper type: Theoretical Research


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How to Cite
BENABDELHADI, A., EL YACHIOUI, M., & CHADI, O. (2022). Rereading the basics: the pyramid of emotional intelligence. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 3(4-2), 42-61.