An attempt to model the entrenchment process of Logistics Service Providers in the relationships with industrials and distributors shippers: A conceptual model and research proposals

  • Hassan AIT AAZIZI Faculty of Economics and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
  • Mohamed Amine BALAMBO Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Marrakech, Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, Morocco
Keywords: Resources, power-dependence, performance, entrenchment, logistic outsourcing


This research proposes a transposition of managerial entrenchment theory to an inter-organizational level in logistics management.

Following the example of corporate executives who manage to remain in their positions despite the discipline imposed by governance mechanisms, this research attempts to understand the process of entrenchment of logistics service providers (LSPs) in relationships with shippers.

This paper attempts to disentangle the concepts of dependency and power in contract logistics while analyzing the process of LSPs entrenchment in the relationship with shippers: When and how the LSPs entrenchment occurs in a logistic outsourcing (contract-s) relationship?

In order to model the process of entrenchment of LSPs in relationships with shippers (industrial and/or distributors), The research mobilizes a theoretical framework of managerial entrenchment and power-dependence at the inter-organizational level.

This process of entrenchment is initiated at the time of the contract and develops over time through the mobilization of resources and capabilities and the improvement of performance to rebalance the power relationships and strengthen interdependence with a view to positive entrenchment. The evolution of the relationship into a dependent stage leads to a deeply rooted entrenchment.


JEL Classification: M38

Type of article: theoretical article


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How to Cite
AIT AAZIZI, H., & BALAMBO, M. A. (2022). An attempt to model the entrenchment process of Logistics Service Providers in the relationships with industrials and distributors shippers: A conceptual model and research proposals. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 3(4-2), 24-41.