The potential and limits of economic and strategic intelligence in the era of big data and artificial intelligence
The development of information and communication technologies continues to improve the functioning of organizations, particularly in the fields of computer science and digital technology. This article has a double objective: on the one hand, to clarify the notion of Big Data, and all that it implies as sources, problems, and controversies. It also aims to make the link between the notions of intelligence and economic intelligence and to bring the differences between them. The second objective is to present an overview of the policies adopted in the field of economic intelligence, on a global scale, for a comparative analysis. Well-structured companies, thanks to business intelligence, have improved their methods of collecting, storing and processing information in order to exploit it in a timely manner. However, the human being, however intelligent, is quickly overwhelmed by this flood of data, infobesity being generally an obstacle to the search for information. With the third industrial revolution, which is the digital revolution, and thanks to Big data, the neural network principle and algorithms, another form of life was born, it is artificial intelligence (AI). In terms of methodological approach, we have chosen the hypothetico-deductive methodology which is based on the formulation of hypotheses that are then tested through experiments and observations. The results of these tests are then used to validate or refute the hypotheses provided. To test the latter, our empirical study is based on a sample of 5 watchers, 5 analysts, 4 controllers and 7 auditors, i.e. a total of 21, who responded to the online survey. Furthermore, economic intelligence, through better use of Big Data, allows us to guarantee a strong control of the changes in the environment for any possible crisis or opportunity.
Keywords: Economic Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Big Data
Classification JEL : A12 M15 O33 O50
Paper type : Empirical research
Copyright (c) 2023 Hafsa EZ-ZYN, Ihssan CHOUETTA, Mounir EL BAKOUCHI, Kenza EL KADIRI
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.