Digital transformation, what place for the Moroccan public administration?
Nowadays, the concern for digitization has become omnipresent almost everywhere, including in the public administration which, until very recently, was not concerned by this new phenomenon that has very quickly taken the front of the international scene. The objective of this research work is to take stock of the Moroccan case by trying to determine at what stage the Moroccan public administration is in terms of digitization of services offered to citizens under the will, solemnly expressed, by the high authorities to see the Kingdom of Morocco endowed with a modern public administration capable of delivering quality services in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the citizens who have become more and more aware. To reach our goal, and after a theoretical exploration phase that focused on a review of the existing literature we chose to work with a qualitative approach using semi-directive interviews with a sample chosen to ensure a broad representation of the different social categories and whose analysis via the Nvivo20 software allowed us to identify the elements of response to our basic question by specifying that Morocco has the prerequisites for the success of such a project and that it is only a matter of time before the digitalized administration is a reality despite the different obstacles encountered and which are, among others, technical, sociological and deserve to be taken into consideration.
Keywords: Digital transformation, public administration, citizen, digital service, quality.
JEL classification: H12.
Paper type: Empirical research.
Copyright (c) 2023 Zakaria RHIATI, Souad GUELZIM

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