HR piloting in Moroccan universities: an exploratory study within the university Chouaib Doukkali

  • Ghizlaine ATIBI Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of El Jadida, Université Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida
  • Dounia RABHI Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of El Jadida, Université Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida


The aim of this paper is to investigate the need to introduce a piloting system for the human resources (HR) function within Moroccan universities, in particular to improve decision-making and the implementation of overall strategy.

A qualitative exploratory approach was used to examine this issue, using the Université Chouaib Doukkali (UCD) as a case study. The research is based on semi-structured interviews with 10 managers and administrative staff at UCD, to explore current HR practices and understand the perceptions of key players regarding the implementation of an HR management system. Analysis of the data enabled the formulation of theoretical propositions underlining the importance of such a system for improving HR practices and strategic decision-making within Moroccan universities. The results of the study highlight the need for an effective HR piloting system to optimize human resources management practices and decision-making in the university context.


Keywords:  HR piloting system, human resources management, HR practices, decision-making process, Moroccan university.

JEL Classification : J24

Paper type : Empirical research


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How to Cite
ATIBI, G., & RABHI, D. (2025). HR piloting in Moroccan universities: an exploratory study within the university Chouaib Doukkali. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 6(2), 173-193.