The appropriation of new technologies by middle managers: the case of ERP in Moroccan SMEs

  • Omar BOUSSTTA Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Ain Chock,, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco


This article aims to answer a central problem relating to the existing relationship between middle managers and information systems within Moroccan SMEs as well as to predict the degree of appropriation of new technologies by middle managers case of ERP in Moroccan SMEs. We related the degreé of appropriation of ERP by middle managers in Moroccan SMEs and its impact on the success of the ERP adoption project. To this effect, It was admitted that the success of the ERP adoption project is influenced by the appropriation of use. To this end, a methodology based on a quantitative study that seeks to identify the factors impacting the appropriation of the ERP system was adopted.

The results of this work confirmed́ the overall hypothesis, namely, acceptance of use influences the actual commitment in terms of ERP use of the "appropriation of use" construct. Moreover, these results showed́ that communication, training, ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, are the most significant that impact the commitment of middle managers in terms of ERP use. And control over activities, habit and perceived usefulness are factors that affect acceptance of ERP use. Finally, the results confirmed́ the overall hypothesis, namely, acceptance of use influences real commitment in terms of ERP use.


Keyword: Appropriation, ERP, Moroccan SME, UTAUT, middle management.

Classification JEL : O3-33

Type de l’article : Empirical Research


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How to Cite
BOUSSTTA, O. (2023). The appropriation of new technologies by middle managers: the case of ERP in Moroccan SMEs. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 4(6-2), 39-56.