Specific professional stressors of small business Moroccan executive owners

  • Yassine SOUSSAN Mohammed Premier University of Oujda, Morocco
  • Khalid FIKRI Mohammed Premier University of Oujda, Morocco
Keywords: stress at work-owner-managers-SME-stressors


This research examines the causes and the influence of work-related stress among Moroccan SME Owner Managers. Based on a study conducted by a qualitative research survey quiz distributed to 42 managers, the proceeds list how we define stress, workload, significant stressors, stress degree, expressing the need for help and employee-related stress. The results suggest that many entrepreneurs take an unconventional synonymic approach to define stress. Denial of stress in entrepreneurs, as described in literature, is not always asserted in the SME similarly, working conditions show a high degree of exposure to psychosocial risks. In fact, the number of working hours exceeds easily eight hours, weekend and night work show that rest intervals are not respected.   The position of the entrepreneur seems so demanding, especially since it involves all the administrative functions. In the fear of not finding a trustworthy person, leaders tend to do without this assistance. They can’t imagine being absent from their work, or even replaced by a third person. This omnipresence influences even their vacation, which is sometimes conceived as an additional work program. The main stress factors identified by entrepreneurs are employee stress, followed by administrative bureaucracy and environmental uncertainty…


Key words: stress at work-owner-managers-SME-stressors

JEL Classification: A14, M10, O15

Paper type: Empirical research


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Author Biographies

Yassine SOUSSAN, Mohammed Premier University of Oujda, Morocco

Laboratoire Universitaire de Recherche en Instrumentation et Gestion des Organisations « LURIGOR

Khalid FIKRI, Mohammed Premier University of Oujda, Morocco

Laboratoire Universitaire de Recherche en Instrumentation et Gestion des Organisations  « LURIGOR »

How to Cite
SOUSSAN, Y., & FIKRI, K. (2023). Specific professional stressors of small business Moroccan executive owners. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 4(2-2), 418-442. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7829429