Business digital crisis: What communication to implement to deal with it?
The phenomena of crisis continue to accelerate and further invade our world, and this is due to multiple factors including the dazzling advance of new technologies as well as the advent of digital communication which has established new trends and organizational practices. Today, no brand is immune to any type of crisis, just a defective product or a bad communication campaign can cause a Bad Buzz and generate a negative impact very quickly and be the object of public dissatisfaction, this last does not take long to share information on the various communication media, in particular social media to express its dissatisfaction, which can destroy the reputation of an organization and tarnish its image, hence the importance of rethinking the communication strategy so that it can provide necessary items for better management of e-reputation and crises resulting from the digital sphere.
Keywords: Communication, digital crisis, social media, e-reputation management, bad buzz
Classification JEL :M30, L14, Q55
Paper type : Empirical research
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