Managing Conflicts of Interest in Corporate Wealth Sharing: Literature review
The distribution of wealth inside a corporation is a concept that asks for a heightened awareness of the basics of ethical management and the minimization of potential conflicts of interest. This awareness is required since the practice of wealth distribution is a notion. The purpose of this article is to present a summary of the research that has been done previously on the resolution of conflicts of interest in the distribution of corporate wealth in Africa, with a particular focus on Morocco as the critical country of discussion. The article focuses on handling conflicts of interest in the distribution of corporate wealth in African countries, more specifically in Morocco. It examines the existing body of research on the subject by systematically evaluating the literature and concentrating on the studies that discuss the challenges and potential benefits of the topic from a regional point of view. Furthermore, it systematically evaluates the literature and explores the existing body of research on the subject. Even though there are indications of a growing interest in research about the ethical repercussions of wealth sharing in corporations, the findings show a shortage of relevant literature which is the case even though suitable material is scarce. Lastly, the paper digs into the repercussions of corporate governance and the requirement of conducting more incredible research in this sector. In addition, the paper discusses the necessity of additional research in this field.
Keywords: Wealth Sharing, Conflicts of Interest, Africa, Morocco, Corporate Governance.
JEL Classification: D74
Paper type: Theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2023 khansaa MAKAYSSI, Adil LOULID
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