Advanced regionalization: what contributions for regional financial autonomy? Case of the Fez-Meknes region
Regionalization is seen as a political priority involving a real transfer of competences, responsibilities and financial, human and technical resources to the regions. Indeed, the success of this project depends on a whole series of factors, such as the availability of financial and human resources, the participation of citizens in the management of public affairs, the transfer of new skills.
This article is devoted to the study of the perception of actors on regionalization and its contribution to the financial autonomy of the Moroccan regions and more particularly to the Fez-Meknes region. This is how we proposed to study the adoption of this project as a new approach for regional financial management in Morocco. The purpose of the latter is, on the one hand, to provide the regions with sufficient resources to enable them to exercise their devolved powers and responsibilities, and on the other hand, to give them real decision-making power and room for manoeuvre in terms of expenditure, revenue and borrowing.
We approach this research through a quantitative study among 42 regional actors and administrative staff of the Fez-Meknes region, we use the correlation test to validate the hypotheses of the model. The results obtained suggest that a model of financial autonomy cannot be considered universal. On the other hand, it can be invested through certain characteristics related to revenue, expenditure, and borrowing.
JEL Classification : H10
Paper type : Empirical research.
Copyright (c) 2022 Meryem AIT OUALI

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