On the drivers of Eco-innovation: insights from a systematic literature review

  • Mounir DROUZI Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Tetouan, Abdelmalik Esaadi University Morocco
  • Mohammed RAJAA Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Tetouan, Abdelmalik Esaadi University Morocco


Discussions over environmental matters are gaining momentum in both academic and professional spheres. Subsequently, Much ink has been spilled over climate change concerns urgency and ways to mitigate its side effects. Amongst solutions to such pressing problems, Environmental innovations (EI) are new options recently explored to hinder detrimental effects of economic activity and combat its negative impact on the environment. To spell out such a special kind of innovation to a full extent, research on its motivations through a systematic literature review is conducted and a conceptual framework is provided analysing each factor involved in motivating decisions to EI. The aim of the study is to delineate different aspects in relation with EI drivers and delimit all facets related to what really drives firms’ intentions. The literature review  is carried out on recent articles published in a decade span between 2011-2021, and  discussing EI and its various drivers leading to its wider adoption. The main findings are  (1) EI are still in infancy stage needing more researches to fully understand them , and (2) that factors pushing toward embracing EI are both internal and external to companies. They include:  government policies, collaboration with external partners, customers demand, internal capabilities, efficiency, Size/sector, other stakeholders’ pressure, style of leadership.



Keywords : Eco-innovation, environmental innovation ,drivers, systematic literature review

JEL Classification : M10

Paper type: Theoretical Research 


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How to Cite
DROUZI, M., & RAJAA, M. (2024). On the drivers of Eco-innovation: insights from a systematic literature review. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 5(12), 59-80. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14285862