IS Risk Management in Morocco: Between regulatory ambitions and cultural challenges - A critical analysis of the current situation
This study critically assesses Information Systems (IS) risk management in Morocco, examining the interactions between the regulatory framework, national standards, and cultural and organizational factors. The objective is to evaluate the current system's effectiveness and identify challenges specific to the Moroccan context. The methodology relies on an in-depth documentary analysis of legislative texts, national guidelines, and scientific publications, complemented by a comparative analysis with international standards. The results reveal an ambitious regulatory framework but a limited adoption of IS risk management practices, particularly among SMEs. The study highlights the significant influence of cultural factors, such as attitude to risk and resistance to change, on implementing IS risk management strategies effectively. These findings underscore the need to adapt risk management approaches to the local context and intensify awareness and training efforts to improve the maturity of IS risk management in Morocco.
Keywords: IS Risk Management, Cybersecurity in Morocco, Regulatory Framework, IS Governance, Cultural Factors
JEL Classification: M15; G32
Paper type: Exploratory Research
Copyright (c) 2024 HAJAR BELHAJ, Said KAMMAS, Youssef AL MERIOUH
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.