The managerial competencies of piloting performance facing of the digitalization challenges


The piloting of performance became the major worry of the responsible for the today's firms, notably with instability and uncertainty characterizing markets. This preoccupation finds speeded up following movements of digitalization pervading the economic and social environment of firms. In front of these changes, the competence of the managers, as the pilot of their activities, knew a redefining throughout the literature of the sciences of management, to accompany requirements imposed by the generation of the use of information technologies (IT). In this context, searching us, by the present to study the manager competence of piloting of performance facing challenges of movements of digitalization. This study has as objective of work out a theoretical research model simplifying relations likely to be appeared between the different determiners of manager competence and the piloting of performance. For it, we initiated this research by a conceptual analysis with a view to defining the main items of our themes, to introduce the main explicative models of manager competences. By basing us on this theoretical study, we succeed in working out a theoretical research model identifying relations between select variables. In this model, the manager competence of piloting of performance is a dependent variable at the same time, in personal competences (classics) and in manager competence in TI. The first one reflects the competences of a manager except changes imposed by the digitalization, while the second is the other dimension of this competence which is demanded by the digitalization.


Keywords: manager competences; performance management; piloting; digitalization

Classification JEL:  M15 & O32

Paper type: Theoretical Research


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How to Cite
ALAMI, M. (2023). The managerial competencies of piloting performance facing of the digitalization challenges. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 4(5-1), 202-216.