The Practices of Human Resource Management in Education: A Case Study of the Provincial Directorate of National Education in Tanger - Assilah
Ensuring the efficiency and optimal performance of a company or organization is an objective that must be continuously supported by human resource management that is attentive to the "human" aspect. This aspect of organizational management covers a variety of areas that allow it to intervene at different stages of the "life" of workers (employees, collaborators). This intervention also extends to the field of education, where teaching staff have personal and professional expectations to meet, which are essential for their retention and development. This article revolves around some human resource management practices in education that have proven necessary to attract and engage teachers in their work. It represents a literature review as well as an exploratory survey with descriptive analysis concerning two areas of human resource management, namely remuneration and continuous training, which have been unanimously recognized by the teachers interviewed for their importance in the development of their skills and the enhancement of their social status and quality. To this end, we administered a questionnaire to a sample of 204 qualified secondary school teachers, both permanent and contractual, working in different categories of institutions (general high schools, technical high schools) located in urban and peri-urban areas of the national education directorate of Tanger-Assilah. In terms of results, we first observed that the teachers interviewed expressed their disappointment with the scarcity of programs dedicated to continuous training, supposed to meet their specific needs, especially in ICT to support teaching, which became evident during the period of confinement to combat COVID 19 (distance learning). The satisfaction of this need is strongly recommended in the draft law - framework No. 9/2021, as a fundamental lever to move forward in the reform of the education system and ensure the quality of learning by implementing a national plan for continuous training. Secondly, teachers are urgently calling for improvements in their salaries and the provision of rewards linked to teachers' performance outcomes. They question why performance bonuses, for example, are granted in all sectors except for the teaching profession.
Keywords: human resource management, continuing education, compensation, teachers, Provincial Directorate of National Education of Tanger Assilah.
JEL Classification: M12, I21, J3
Paper type: Empirical research
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