The application of innovation adoption in the Moroccan banking context: literature review and design of a research model
Technological change had a major impact on all sectors of activity, including banking, which is considered a pioneer in the adoption of new technologies. Over the past decade, the banking sector has always been at the forefront of technological development.
Today, the digitalization of banking services is booming. Moroccan banks are increasingly focusing on technological solutions to deliver a better customer experience to banking customers. Mobile payment, being one of the most recent tools, remains, if not unrecognizable, rarely used, despite the many advantages it offers in terms of convenience, speed and security.
The aim of our paper is to determine the factors that can influence this fact, through a presentation of the state of the art, in particular the concept of innovation, being a continuous process that aims to introduce new ideas, technologies, products or services, by relating the different theories and models of its adoption. Our main motivation lies in understanding the banking consumer's behavior towards mobile payment, as much as the modern solution proposed by Moroccan banks.
Through this article, and by going through a set of theoretical models of innovation adoption, mobile payment in our case, we will deduce a conceptual model including factors that may possibly influence the use or intention to use the mobile payment tool by banking consumers and thus determine their implications. In future work, the hypotheses deduced will be tested using the structural equation method.
Keywords: Innovation, theories, adoption, bank
JEL Classification: Q55, O31, O32
Paper type: Theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2023 Ghita HIDARE, Morad SBITI

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