Electronic banking and customers’ satisfaction in banking institutions in BAMENDA

  • Felix NKIENDEM Dschangs University, Cameroon
  • Nicodème KEMDONG TENEKEU Bamenda University, Cameroon
  • Mariama GHAH KUKUH Bamenda University, Cameroon
Keywords: e-banking, commercial banks and customers’ satisfaction


This study was set out to assess the effect of e-banking on customers’ satisfaction in banking institutions in Bamenda. To achieve this, a convenient sampling technique was used and the study targeted a 15 commercial banks in Bamenda of which 6 banks were being sampled. In the 6 banks, the researcher came out with a sample size of 300 respondents. Ordinary least square was used for model specification. The multiple regression was used for the inferential statistics. The study indicated that ATM has a positive and significant influence on the customers’ satisfaction since the beta value was positive and significant at 5% alpha. The study indicated that mobile banking has a positive and significant influence on customers’ satisfaction since the beta value was positive and significant at 5% alpha. The study also indicated that internet banking has a positive and significant influence on the customers’ satisfaction since the beta value was positive and significant at 5% alpha.


Keywords: e-banking, commercial banks and customers’ satisfaction

JEL Classification: G21

Paper Type: Empirical Research


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How to Cite
NKIENDEM, F., KEMDONG TENEKEU, N., & GHAH KUKUH, M. (2023). Electronic banking and customers’ satisfaction in banking institutions in BAMENDA. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 4(3-2), 372-383. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8053015