Competitive Strategies of Moroccan Companies: A Literature Review
Since its introduction in the field of business, business strategy has always been a fertile field of research. The expected goal of this work is to draw up a literature review of the most relevant articles on the competitive strategies of Moroccan companies. The methodology followed is based on the analysis of twenty articles, theoretical and empirical, aimed at determining the competitive strategies adopted by Moroccan firms. The results obtained show, on the one hand, that Moroccan firms, both large and small, adopt various strategies aimed at obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage, ranging from recent strategies such as coopetition and sustainable development, to classic ones such as innovation and diversification. On the other hand, our study reveals a lack of detailed studies of the strategic behavior and choices of Moroccan firms, testing, in the Moroccan context, the generic strategies of (Porter, 1980) or those of (Miles & Snow, 1978) or even the specialization/diversification strategies, and analyzing the influence of contingency factors such as the field of activity, the size of the firm, and its age, on the strategies followed, in relation to the competitiveness/performance of the firms.
Keywords: Competitive strategies, generic strategies, A Literature Review, performance/competitiveness.
JEL Classification : L11, L16, L22, L25.
Paper type: Theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamed ALQOH, Mohamed YAOUHI

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