Territorial resilience, a human affair in an era of crisis: the case of Covid 19
major crises. The spread of the Corona Virus has triggered an unprecedented emergency worldwide forcing the state to call for general lockdowns which has led to a historic global recession.
This exceptional situation has imposed a revision of the paragons; thus institutions, citizens, businesses and territories are subject to a resilience injunction in order to respond to the current context.
Through this article, we will examine the importance of territorial resilience in this era of successive crises as well as the role of human beings in this resilience process. Our main objective is to focus on the set of actions that allow a better resilience of territories in general while proposing ways of thinking for Morocco of resilient territories by relying on a set of articles from the Anglophone and Francophone academic literature.
We conclude from this contribution that the Covid 19 is an opportunity to build a new model of territorial development by initiating a collective dynamic in which Man is a major actor.
Engaging together in synergistic actions is the challenge of transitioning from a vulnerable territory to a resilient one with adaptive immunity.
Our work is organized in five parts: the first part reviews the key concepts studied, the second presents the new context induced by the Covid19 crisis. Through the third part, we will highlight the importance of Man humans in the process of territories resilience in the post-Covid era. The fourth part proposes a set of reflections for Morocco of resilient territories and finally we conclude with a confrontation section of empirical studies dealing with the territories resilience.
Keywords: Territory, resilience, Covid 19, territorial actors, social.
JEL Classification : H12 - R11- R52 - Z13
Paper type : Theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2023 Fadoua CHAKIR, Abdelaziz BAHOUSSA
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.