The determinants of job stability for young graduates: Case of the graduates of the Hassan 1st University of Settat
The main objective of this work is to determine the factors that affect job stability for a young graduate. The data used in this work come from the "insertion" surveys conducted every year since 2011, by the Hassan I University of Settat, in partnership with the National Evaluation Authority (NEA) attached to the Higher Council for Education, Training and
Scientific Research (Morocco). Thus, we estimate a logistic regression model on 1004 observations. This model estimates for the young laureates the probability of having job permanent / temporary) as a function of variables related to their individual characteristics, their training, and their family environment. The estimation of the model showed the effect of several variables on the probability of having a stable job. Degree, institution, marital status and period of unemployment are decisive variables in determining stable employment. Moreover, the model also confirmed the absence of gender discrimination, in terms of job stability, for the graduates of Hassan I University in Settat.
Keywords: stable employment, determinants, young university graduates, Probit
JEL Classification : J13, J41, C51
Paper type : Empirical research.
Copyright (c) 2022 Youssef EL MAATAOUI, Karima BOUAOUZ, Abdeljabbar ABDOUNI

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