Local authorities & digital intelligence: initiation study for the transition to the territorial agile mode
The objective of this article is to conduct a deep reflection around the different tools acquiescing to Moroccan territories a digital transformation allowing them a transition to an agile mode, and this, through interventionist research with 103 Moroccan municipalities with urban and rural characters, from the perspective of the Municipal Improvement Program (PAPC) initiated by the Directorate General of Territorial Communities (DGCT), in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD) and the World Bank (WB). To achieve this, we mobilized an intervention research using a method of triangulation of data sources (documents, interviews, focus group ...), which we submitted for analysis using Nvivo V12 in a single municipality, in view of the first results of this interventionist study, we mobilized a complementary quantitative study for the benefit of the 103 municipalities in order to strengthen the degree of scientificness. The results showed that municipalities cannot remain insensitive to the digital changes observed, and must keep pace with the spectacular changes to meet the challenges facing. The challenge lies in harmonizing public sector processes and provisions relating to the basic principles and expectations of all actors. Digitalization tools are apparently ultimately little used in the public sector and are just beginning to take place.
Keywords: territories; Digitalization; Public policies; Governance.
JEL Classification: R19
Paper type: Empirical Research.
Copyright (c) 2022 Najoua HAMMOUCH, Mehdi NOURI, Laurent CAPPELLETTI, Abdellatif MARGHICH
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