The sports limited company: a new approach to the management of football clubs in Morocco
Any sport event generates passion and interest. However, since its Olympic origins, sport has evolved a lot and developed in an impressive way to become a mirror of our society.
Professional sport is an extraordinary field of experimentation for the application of economic theory. The fact remains that professional sport, compared to the economy in general, has various characteristics that make its management unique.
This leads us to ask the following question: why carry out research on the operation and organization of a sports establishment while mobilizing the various scientific management ?
With regard to our academic and sports training, we were interested in understanding how a sports club can be managed like a company. Thus, other questions have arisen: what is the benefit of sports clubs of setting up management and control system like that of companies? How can they do it? We then realized that after the beginning of professionalism; one of the construction sites opened for the 2009/2010 season; the management of our elite clubs remains far from the management requirements of professional clubs, and the absence of a real strategy in our associations, as well as the fragility marked by instability at the level of the management of teams , environmental complexities that prevail around the clubs constitute a considerable handicap in the smooth running of their activity. Indeed, we wonder about the main reasons for this failure? Is there a favorable way out of this crisis by going to AC (anonymous companies) ? How can we propose a managerial model for a Moroccan club and what are its constituents?
We assume that the failure is mainly due to several parameters starting with the constituent itself, a failing system that has demonstrated its limits on the organizational, structural and managerial level.
Faced with this impasse, we believe that the solution would be to review any structure (federations, league, clubs, etc.) related to discipline, taking into account the redefinition of priorities, in particular by giving a little more importance to structure and management.
Keywords : sports limited company, national economic development, strategic management, performance, strategic change.
JEL Classification : Z20
Paper type : Empirical research
Copyright (c) 2022 Achraf BERQI, Mounia CHERKAOUI

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