The dynamics of the actors and their role in the promotion of local development in the Moroccan rural world

  • Achraf EL FILALI Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Territory, dynamic of actors, local development, rural area, local authorities


A territory is considered not only a geographical spacing, but also a cultural one, bringing together a population, having uses and customs. This population is made up of a set of actors, each in their own specialty and field. They are supposed to build relationships with each other, which can be social, commercial, professional, etc. The relationships do not stop only at the creation stage, but they coordinate between them for the realization of common actions. This coordination is theoretically known as “actor dynamics”. A good dynamic of actors, based on the collaboration between the actors, makes it possible to create effective projects having a positive impact on the progress of local life and the improvement of the performance indicators of the territory. This continuous improvement over time translates into a development process, which is called “local development”. So, local development is a real potential, which gives territories the possibility of promoting the standard of living and making the local economy more attractive to foreign investment. It is also considered as a response to the structural problem of unemployment and the maturity of the job market. It is qualified as an alternative modern approach, which replaces the direct intervention of the center in the management of the territory and which failed to identify the problems of the latter, nor to solve them. This approach perfectly identifies the territory and provides effective solutions to its various problems, through the local management of the actors. So, our study focuses on the definition of the relationship between the dynamics of actors and local development and the impact of such a relationship on the territory, while illustrating our manuscript, with a case study drawn from a set of local authorities in Tiznit. To achieve this study, we opted for an interpretative research epistemology of two concepts, because it is a question of identifying the link between them. The approach used for the collection and analysis of data is based in principle on the qualitative approach, because the nature of the data is qualitative. Our manuscript will have significant repercussions, particularly on the field of research because it will stimulate the research community to develop studies on the subject, then also on the improvement of local development of local authorities, taking advantage of the good dynamics of the actors.


Keywords: Territory, dynamic of actors, local development, rural area, local authorities

JEL Classification: O18

Paper type: Empirical research


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How to Cite
EL FILALI, A. (2022). The dynamics of the actors and their role in the promotion of local development in the Moroccan rural world. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 3(5-2), 783-806.