Economic Development and Rurality in Morocco: Theoretical Reflection and Vicissitudes

  • Jihad Ouddida Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
  • Lala Latifa Alaoui Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Development, Process, Economic Models


The term development doesn't refer to a single action or phenomenon, nor does it designate a general process of social transformation. It rather concerns a dynamic concept that evolves from or moves away from a previous situation.

Developments take place constantly in both rural and urban societies. Changes can  be driven by  norms and values, modes of production, individuals' behavior, or the distribution of resources.

Numerous theoretical attempts have been made with the aim to define the concept of 'development', or rather its manifestations (Agricultural, rural, territorial, etc). In this regard, this work examines some of them, taking into account the aim to illustrate and encompass such definitions as diverse and   inclusive as they are.


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How to Cite
Ouddida, J., & Alaoui, L. L. (2021). Economic Development and Rurality in Morocco: Theoretical Reflection and Vicissitudes. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 2(5), 198-209.