Partnership between multinationals and SMEs in Morocco: Between ambitions and constraints

  • Abdelkarim JABRI National School of Business and Management, University Mohammed 1st of Oujda, Morocco
  • Btissam EL-KAROUNI National School of Business and Management, University Mohammed 1st of Oujda, Morocco


The objective of this article is to analyse the forms that cooperation between NMF and SMEs can take in Morroco, in a framework which takes into account not only the complementarity of the capacities of the cooperators, but also the existing asymmetries between African SMEs and MNFs

Although several studies have examined B2B cooperation (D. R. G. Scott (2004), B. Kogut (1999), Jeffrey J. Reuer, Jeffrey S. Smith (2002)), those in partnerships between MLFs and SMEs in developing countries are rare. By mobilizing a review of narrative literature, this article explores how these relationships can vary according to size, partners' objectives and national context. The main findings show that MNFs are mainly looking for cost savings and access to local networks, while SMEs are looking to benefit from the image of large companies and gain access to new markets. Major challenges identified include information asymmetries and cultural differences, which influence partnerships success.


Keywords: MNCs - SMEs - Cooperation – Morroco – obstacle

Classification JEL: F23, L23, O55

Paper type: Theoretical Research


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How to Cite
JABRI, A., & EL-KAROUNI, B. (2024). Partnership between multinationals and SMEs in Morocco: Between ambitions and constraints. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 5(8), 501-517.