Teleworking practice and employee efficiency during a health crisis: an investigation within Cameroonian companies

  • Arabi OUSSOUMANOU Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
  • Hamadou BOUKAR Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
  • Guidkaya ZAMBA Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Garoua, Cameroon


The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of teleworking on employee efficiency. We therefore start from the observation that the world of work seems to be confronted with new organizations facing new information and communication technologies. Consequently, some companies are adapting to these technologies and offering their employees a new way of working: teleworking. However, this is not yet clearly anchored in mentalities. A polymorphous practice emanating from a certain flexibility in organizations and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), teleworking seems to appeal to a growing number of workers. This is why we were interested in the teleworking context. For a long time, teleworking was considered by Cameroonian business managers as a negligible form of work organization. Today with the globalization of economies and the famous health crisis which is currently affecting the entire planet, these managers, the center of the development policies of their companies, have turned to this organization of work which, it must be noted, has existed since a long time. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of teleworking on employee efficiency. For this we considered autonomy and control to explain the latter. We used linear regression on a sample of 50 employees based on a questionnaire to conclude that autonomy at work has a positive influence on employee efficiency. For the control variable, a linear regression on a sample of 50 employees based on a questionnaire found that control has a negative effect on employee efficiency.


Key words: teleworking, control, autonomy, efficiency.

Classification JEL: J8, O15.

Paper type: Theoretical Research or Empirical Research


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Author Biography

Arabi OUSSOUMANOU, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon

Laboratoire de management et des ressources humaines (l@mrhµ)

How to Cite
OUSSOUMANOU, A., BOUKAR, H., & ZAMBA, G. (2024). Teleworking practice and employee efficiency during a health crisis: an investigation within Cameroonian companies. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 5(8), 469-484.