Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Development
The notion of "sustainable development" calls for a prevalent idea that emphasizes the equilibrium between humans needs, progress’ economic, protection of environment, in the last the social peace. Interestingly, a method we might consider in addition to what has been depicted across a range of media, does not restrict in the long run expansion exclusively the brink of ecological devastation. There is a substantial body of literature on sustainable development, with several social structures, institutions, and groups lobbying for its implementation. The environment is regarded as a shared resource that is available to all without requiring any financial commitment. Because of the lack of cost associated with this method, natural resources have depleted and climate change has emerged, both of which represent substantial obstacles to our hopes for sustainable growth.
This essay's goal is to address this problem by presenting a review of the literature. Our content is organized around four major components. If growth is meant to benefit future generations, it is deemed "sustainable". Development that is equitable, productive, and environmentally sustainable is necessary for long-term progress. It is essential to see the economy as a means to an end, the social as a goal, and the land as a condition. In order to solve and navigate the issues confronting the planet and humanity, states, corporations, associations, organizations, local councils, individuals, and scientists must collaborate.
Key-words: Sustainable development; Environment; Challenges; Morocco; Achieving.
JEL: Q01
Paper type: theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2024 Yahya FIKRI, Mohamed RHALMA
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