Multidimensional exploration of trust, satisfaction and commitment in the context of a bank-customer relationship in the digital age: A literature review

  • Kaoutar ZAIDANE Higher School of Technology of Meknes, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco


This article explores the key concepts of trust, satisfaction and commitment in e-banking, using a methodological approach based on a literature review. Trust is recognized as an indispensable variable in exchange relationships, positively influencing purchase intentions and customer loyalty. It is approached from various disciplinary angles, such as social psychology, economics, sociology and marketing, with authors such as Morgan and Hunt (1994), and Berry and Parasuraman (1991) emphasizing its crucial role in customer-firm interactions. Trust manifests itself in different forms, including cognitive trust, based on knowledge and expectations of predictability, and affective trust, based on a sense of security and emotional identification with the brand.

The article also examines commitment, defined as a psychological force attaching the customer to the company, differentiating those who stay from those who leave. Commitment is crucial in the organizational behavior and service marketing literature, leading to loyalty and stable, long-lasting customer-firm relationships. Authors such as Morgan and Hunt (1994) and Geyskens et al. (1996) have highlighted the importance of commitment to the long-term success of customer-supplier relationships.

Satisfaction, an emotional state resulting from the cumulative evaluation of the relationship with the company, is also addressed as a key element of relationship quality. It plays a mediating role between the relational strategies implemented by the company and relational outcomes, influencing loyalty, complaint and word-of-mouth behaviors.

The article emphasizes that in the context of e-banking, customer relationship management is enriched by the integration of information and communication technologies. E-banking enables financial institutions to collect customer data through transactions, facilitating greater personalization and enhancement of the customer relationship. Customer loyalty, a key objective of customer relationship management programs, is addressed through customer retention and long-term retention, based on the dual conviction that keeping a customer cost less than winning over new ones.

In conclusion, the article highlights that to remain competitive, companies must adopt marketing strategies that integrate trust, satisfaction and commitment, supported by customer relationship management programs.


Keywords: e-banking, trust, satisfaction, commitment, loyalty

JEL Classification : M3, O33  

Paper type: Theoretical Research.


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How to Cite
ZAIDANE, K. (2024). Multidimensional exploration of trust, satisfaction and commitment in the context of a bank-customer relationship in the digital age: A literature review. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 5(8), 199-218.