Modelling Test Of The Moroccan Real Exchange Rate

  • Nouhaila Belfatmi Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
  • Hicham Ouakil Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of kenitra, Ibn tofail University, kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Equilibrium Exchange Rate, Behavioral Model Beer, Misalignment


The purpose of this study is to estimate the real exchange rate an ambiguous and complex concept with a wide literature.

In this paper we have tried to produce an estimate of Morocco’s exchange rate between 1980 and 2008, which is modelled using an error-correction econometric model. It is a dynamic model that aims at modelling the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate, using a series of fundamental variables that essentially determine the exchange rate. The variables used are: foreign direct investment; inflation, as measured by the consumer price index; the balance of trade and the level of economic activity. Thereafter we analyzed the misalignment of this rate through a statistical approach.


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How to Cite
Belfatmi, N., & Ouakil, H. (2020). Modelling Test Of The Moroccan Real Exchange Rate. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 1(1), 89-98.