The manager position in the Moroccan public administration: the question of legitimacy?

  • Abdelhay Benabdelhadi National School of Business and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
  • Hanane El kaout National School of Business and Management of kenitra, Ibn tofail University kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Legitimacy, Public administration manager, Moroccan public administration


This research examines the foundations of the manager's legitimacy within the Moroccan public administration as well as its effect on the attitudes and behaviors of his collaborators. Research was conducted with 96 officials from different public organizations in the Oujda-Angad prefecture to evaluate some components of the manager’s legitimacy within the Moroccan administration.The results highlight the positive relationship between the legitimacy of the public administration manager and power as well as leadership. This legitimacy would then have a positive effect on the attitudes and behavior of collaborators towards their superior.


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How to Cite
Benabdelhadi, A., & El kaout, H. (2020). The manager position in the Moroccan public administration: the question of legitimacy?. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 1(3), 183-199.

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